Wednesday, June 19, 2013

CARES to Coaches: You Can Make a Difference!

Dear Berwyn Rec Baseball Coaches:

BerwynCARES Summer Writing & Reading Program for Berwyn Rec Baseball
At picture day a few weeks ago, BerwynCARES provided younger players with blank books to create their own original story over the summer.  Older players were given a reading list of books available at the library with a log for parent signatures.  More information about the program is in our Letter to Coaches.

New Prizes Offered
We have some exciting news!  Mayor Robert Lovero, has donated 60 tickets for the July 3rd Chicago Fire game to support this program.  The first 15 children that turn in their completed books or logs by June 30th will receive 4 tickets to the game. 

Please remind your players to get started on their books or reading logs.  When completed, players can turn them in at Over the Rainbow Ice Cream Parlor (6836 Windsor in Berwyn).  Players will get a FREE ICE CREAM CONE when they bring in their books or reading logs.

Players, parents and coaches can find printable blank books and reading logs at  Please consider printing extras and passing out the materials at the next practice.  Research shows that kids who do NOT read and write over the summer may lose 2 months or more of achievement gained in the previous school year!  Reading and writing over the summer means higher achievement in the fall.

Your encouragement can and will make a difference!
Berwyn CARES thanks you for your willingness to partner with us in this important effort.


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