Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Wish List for Morton West

Berwyn CARES had a small, but spirited, group meet on Thursday at the Library to discuss the book "How to Walk to School: Blueprint for a Neighborhood Renaissance". Our discussion kept coming back to Morton West. I've posted the following question on the CARES forum and was hoping you all would comment there. While not everyone can attend meetings in person, most readers of this blog have something to say on this subject. Let your voice be heard!

* When Nettlehorst school principal Susan Kurland asked parent Jacqueline Edelburg and her friend what it would take for them to enroll their children at the school, the women came back the next day "armed with an extensive wish list" (pp. 25-27). What would be on your wish list for a school for your children? Which items, if any, would be nonnegotiable?
Reply here:

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