Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Library to Consider Sunday Hours

As a result of budget cuts and lay-offs of library workers by the city, the library Board of Directors voted last fall to continue summer hours (closed on Sundays and closed at 5pm on Fridays). Petitions have been circulated by residents to reopen the library on Sundays during the school year when students are likely to need the library for school projects. Last night, City Council voted against re-hiring the laid-off workers and the issue has been tabled until the mayor meets with the Library Board. No other alternatives were discussed. It would cost taxpayers $50,000 to open the library on Sundays.

In an e-mail to Bill Henesley, the director of the library, I suggested changing the library hours to accomodate Sunday hours by cutting weekday morning hours, thus eliminating the need to re-hire workers and increase the budget. Has there been any kind of formal study to determine what hour cutting would have the least impact on our community? Could the Library Board cut some services without cutting hours? For example, allowing just circulation and computers on Sundays without staffing audio/visual and other departments? During this economic crisis in our city we must think creatively about spending. My suggestion of opening the library at noon 2 days per week in exchange for a noon-5pm schedule on Sundays will be considered at the Library Board meeting on Dec. 15th.
If you would like to make a suggestion to the Library Board, please e-mail it to and we will compile the e-mails and present them at the Library Board Meeting.
Our library should be open for students to use in the afternoon, evenings and weekends during the school year when they need it most.

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