Thursday, August 27, 2009

Swine Flu (H1N1): How to Keep Our Kids Virus Free

As usual, the new school year brings about lots of anxiety for kids and adults alike. But this year, there is extra stress for parents worried about the swine flu. Experts report to expect a major outbreak this fall (right now!) based on past flu outbreaks in the past. Here are some recommendations that IF EVERY BERWYN FAMILY follows, may mean a more mild flu season for our school children:

1. If your child is sick, KEEP THEM HOME! Now, we know that many families struggle to find childcare. It is terrible to have to choose between staying with your sick child and keeping your job. If possible, arrange with a relative, neighbor or friend ahead of time so that when/if your child is sick, a plan will be in place to have care available at home.

2. Teach (or reteach) your child to wash hands. Stand at the sink and instruct your child to be sure to "make bubbles" for 20 seconds BEFORE rinsing. It helps to turn off the faucet while using the soap and to count or sing a song to keep kids washing for an adequate amount of time. Remind your child to wash hands before coming to school and often during the school day.

3. Teach (or reteach) your child to sneeze into their elbow rather than into their hands. This prevents germs from speading to others through touch.

Please do what you can to help keep your child and the children of Berwyn flu free! To learn more about the H1N1 virus, attend the free All Berwyn Committee program on September 17th at 7:00 pm at City Hall, 6700 W. 26th Street.

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