1. Read to your kids. Duh? How many times is this simple task is at the very top of the list of how to help kids succeed in school. But, it bears repeating. If you are not reading enough to your kids, make it a part of your DAILY routine and be sure the whole family is held accountable. Reading before bedtime is a MUST in our house...the kids don't let me get away with trying to skip this nightly ritual (believe me, I've tried!). Of course, they use it as the stall tactic of choice because it is pretty hard to resist a 5 year old with a book in his hands. Honestly, it works in reverse, though. Kids are soothed and calm while listening and more likely to fall asleep faster once in bed if they've been read to (not scientific, just anecdotal from my house). Other tips: weekly trips to the library, a subscription to a kids magazine, turn off the electronics and have reading material accessible and varied.
2. Educate yourself. Find a way to keep up to date on the educational news of our community, state and country. Subscribing to blogs, reading newspapers with an eye for education and going to your school district websites regularly will keep you informed. One of my favorites is the SSNS where subscribers get regular e-mails covering topics that are being considered at the state legislature.
3. Attend a school board meeting. School board meetings are open to the public and attending the meeting is a great way to get first hand information about the finances, curriculum, and accomplishments of your school district. Agendas and meeting times can be easily found on the district websites linked on the CARES website www.berwyncares.org.
4. Volunteer. If you have regular time to give, call your public school and ask what opportunities there are for volunteering. I know there are several community members (with and without kids of their own!) who read 1:1 with children in a school library once a week. What a gift! For the kids and for the volunteer. This would have a huge impact on a child's life.
5. Say thanks. If something is going well, say so! There are countless people involved in educating the kids of Berwyn. Send a thank you note to a teacher, teacher's aide, principal, administrator, maintenance man, school board member, school nurse, or anyone that deserves a little recognition for the hard work it takes to make a difference.
6. Donate. Check out these great projects and make a donation today. You'll get thank yous in the mail from the very kids you helped! CARES has funded tens of thousands of dollars in classroom grants through Donors Choose impacting thousands of kids. You can be part of this easy solution!
7. Write a letter. Maybe you've never considered writing your elected officials before. Well, now is the time. Every elected official from your school board to your alderman to the mayor to the state legislators to the governor on up needs to hear that quality education is important. Encourage your state lawmakers to better fund education.
8. Buy in Berwyn. Supporting Berwyn businesses will help create a healthy business environment in Berwyn. These businesses are often called on to support schools through fundraisers and donations. Even in a tough economy, our businesses have continued to support education. They deserve our thanks for that! Tell them CARES sent you:)
9. Attend an event. CARES will be hosting events throughout the year including a spring concert for scholarships, a summer reading or writing program, a back to school picnic, Oktoberfest and our Fall kids concert. These are great opportunities to socialize with others who care deeply about education. JOIN US!! Your free membership includes regular updates/e-mails about upcoming events.
10. Back to School: Parent University. I've attended this Parent University for a few years and have never been disappointed. I am a better parent for it and my kids definitely benefit from the things I learn. This year it is Feb. 5th. If you are interested in helping to plan a similar event in Berwyn, please send a note to info@berwyncares.org.