Recently, members of the Illinois House of Representatives were asked to prioritize important budget issues. These issues will be critical as legislators begin to negotiate budget priorities for FY09.
Urge your legislators, Representatives and Senators, to talk with leadership about including the following early childhood investments in the FY09 budget:
Provide a $68 million increase to the Early Childhood Block Grant in the ISBE budget
Talking Point: A $68 million increase is needed in FY09 to ensure that we stay on track with our Preschool for All enrollment goals as well as to better respond to the overwhelming statewide demand for more infant-toddler programs.
Provide a $10 million increase to expand home visitation programs through the Department of Health and Human Services Healthy Families and Parents Too Soon budget lines
Talking Point: Home visiting programs in Illinois have not experienced an expansion since 2000 and serve only a tiny percentage of the at-risk children and families who could benefit from these services. Healthy Families, Parents Too Soon and other research-based parent coaching models effectively work with families, starting as early as pregnancy, providing support through the first years of life, to ensure that children at-risk of poor developmental outcomes grow up healthy and ready to learn.
Provide $30 million in any capital bill for early childhood facilities
Talking Point: Young children need safe, welcoming, and developmentally appropriate environments to stimulate learning. Yet, in certain areas around the state, families’ demand for early childhood services outpaces the availability of high-quality learning spaces.
Support increased investments in the Child Care Assistance Program
Talking Point: Support quality by maintaining the proposed FY09 IDHS Child Care budget. The budget includes $55 million to increase the child care reimbursement rate by 3% for all child care providers to meet the SEIU collective bargaining agreement and ensure parity. In addition, a budget increase of $45 million is needed to implement HB5297/SB 898 reducing parent co-payments to be no more than 10% of a low-income family’s income.
When contacting your legislators make sure they know how important these priorities are for the children and families in their districts. Urge them to talk with leadership about these early childhood issues and to include them in their list of priorities. If you can not make a call, please write an email or send a letter right away.
Click here if you need contact information for your legislators.
Thank you for all you do on behalf of young children and their families across Illinois .